

Fabrizio Bernasconi, co-founder and managing director of RBA DESIGN has just completed, with Elena Fazzini, founder of Hope onlus, and a team of volunteers, the humanitarian mission to the Lviv orphanage in Ukraine which began in June.
We have just returned from the Don Bosco orphanage where we brought each of the over 40 children a personalized package of new clothing (t-shirts, sweatshirts, shoes, jeans…). Thanks also to Elena’s experience and extraordinary skills, a fun and “tasty” pizza preparation lab was organized for the children. A truly special Sunday for Ukrainian orphans, a moment of affection from Italian friends with the promise of seeing each other again next winter.
We also visited the Lviv refugee camp, managed by the Salesians, which hosts over 300 people in need of food, medicines and above all equipment for the long Ukrainian winter.
The mission was made possible thanks to the commitment of all of RBA Design and many of you. On behalf of Fabrizio and all of RBA DESIGN, a sincere thank you for your support in the hope that, for all of you, the desire to continue supporting Hope onlus in the humanitarian mission in Ukraine will remain alive.

Slava Ukraine!